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Artist Residency in Motherhood

Artist Residency in Motherhood is a self-directed, open-source artist residency to empower and inspire artists who are also mothers. It is free, fully customisable, and the mothers can be in residence for as long as they choose. They don't even have to travel, the residency takes place entirely inside their own home and everyday life.

An Artist Residency in Motherhood is the reframing of parenthood as a valuable site for creative practice, rather than an obstruction to be overcome.

Here are some questions to help create a structure and focus for the residency. Any question that is useful to the participant can be answered. Once completed the form will be submitted to an Artist Residency in Motherhood. The text won't be shared or used for any purpose.

One of the most inspiring things about ARiM is the plans for residencies submitted to the website by new artists-in-residence-in-motherhood from all around the world. The reader and participant can find companionship, inspiration and solace in these descriptions of very familiar challenges, questions and aspirations. In order to extend this to future residents this page is an evolving archive of residency questionnaires submitted to ARiM through this website.

Artist Residency in Motherhood is a project by Lenka Clayton. Over the three years she was artist-in-residence and has received hundreds of emails from women in a similar situation, wishing to create a space in which they could examine the usually separated roles of parenting and art-making. The Open Source Artist Residency Program was launched by her on Mother's Day 2016.