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CBSS Project Support Facility

The 2024 CBSS Project Support Facility (PSF) is looking for innovative projects focused on societal resilience, the enhancement of civil security, collaboration and mutual trust building. Preference will be given to small-scale, region-based or expert-driven projects accentuating child protection and anti-trafficking. To receive a grant of up to 65.000 EUR, the application should relate to one of the three long-term CBSS priorities Regional Identity, Safe & Secure Region or Sustainable & Prosperous Region.

Projects should consist of at least three partners from CBSS member states, meaning Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Germany, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. The funding scheme also encourages partnerships with the CBSS observer states France, UK, US, Belarus, Italy, Spain, Romania, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Hungary and especially Ukraine. The project activities can vary widely, including for example training to identify risks resulting from climate change, the exchange of best practices or the development of collaboration on different levels of government.

The Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS) works according to three priorities, one of which should serve as guideline for the applying project. These are: 

1. Safe & Secure Region: Collaboration across borders increases the safety measures in the BSR, hightens civil protection and counteracts trafficking of human beings. The whole-society-approach aims at citizens, organisations and authorities alike taking over pivotal societal functions. 

2. Regional Identity: Projects aim to shape the current and future identity through culture, cultural heritage and education, especially incorporating young people as future region creators. 

3. Sustainable and Prosperous Region: This strand encourages ideas that accelerate the energy transition in the transport sector. They can also support the local communities in the development of sustainable, culturally rich and biodiverse tourism services.

If reading about this opportunity made your fingers itch to fill out the application, you can find the call here and apply. 

Deadline: 31 March 2024 


Sprout in the hands of a woman

Photo by Nikola Jovanovic (Unsplash)