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Culture and Art Programme

The Culture and Art Programme funds Nordic co-operation in the field of arts and culture. Funding can be applied for a project of artistic and/or cultural quality that invest in cultural and artistic productions and creative work as well as to organise and implement projects that develop skills within the field of art and culture.

Support can be granted for all types of costs that are directly directly linked to the project.

Anyone active in the field of art and culture can apply, as long as the project is realised by way of co-operation with partners from at least three countries, at least two of which must be Nordic: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Åland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. Part of the funding is reserved especially for collaborative art and culture projects in the Arctic. In this context, Arctic cultural co-operation refers to co-operation between Arctic actors in the Nordic countries, Canada, and the US. This emphasis includes a focus on indigenous peoples and their culture in the Arctic. In addition, projects that follow up on or are born out of Nordic Bridges shall be given priority insofar as they cover the Arctic.

Applications can be submitted until 7 March. The second application period will start on 12 August and end on 12 September. Find more information about the criteria here.

Nordic Culture Point is an institution of the Nordic Council of Ministers which works to support Nordic co-operation within the area of culture and to increase awareness of Nordic culture in Finland. The support programmes provide opportunities to create culture, implement projects and create meetings between artists and cultural workers in the Nordic and Baltic countries.