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EUSBSR Annual Forum and Engagement Day | Registration closed

The Annual Forum for stakeholders in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) will take place on October 30th and 31th with an optional Engagement Day on October 29th. 600 participants will be welcomed in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland and receive the unique opportunity to exchange views in Policy Dialogues and Co-Creation events on the three overarching themes Sustainability, Resilience and Security or indulge in informal connection-building in the Networking Village.

The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) has been holding yearly get-togethers since 2009, bringing Programme and Policy Area Coordinators in touch with cultural professionals and sparking relevant discourses. This year, it is hosted by the Swedish government as well as the Nordic Council of Ministers. Travel and accommodation costs are not reimbused, but during the registration a reserved hotel room can be requested directly. The EUSBSR offers 600 slots for the main event and 200 for the Engagement Day. 

This side event on 29th October is an opportunity for not yet engaged stakeholders to get acquainted with the Strategy. Participants are welcome to present their initiatives and to discuss them with coordinators of 8 of the 14 the policy areas, among them the PA Culture, supported by ARS BALTICA. 

In the following two days co-creation sessions, meaning workshops or seminars, will provide a stage to discuss challenges and develop multi-sectorial, multi-level and transregional solutions. Policy Dialogues complement the programme, in which the Strategy’s objectives and advances towards these goals are discussed in panels or plenary sessions. 

PA Culture will be involved in two workshops during the Forum: one organized as part of the Engagement Day on 29th October, and another one, entitled Culture X Integration and co-organized with PA Education, on 30th October. It will also be possible to meet the PA at the Networking Village.

Do you want to join the hub and shape the Baltic Sea Region with your impulses? Read more about the Annual Forum here and register quickly because slots are filling up and flights‘ availability is limited. 

Deadline: (Registration closed prematurely - waitlist available) 15 October, but preferably 1 July 2024

Informative element advertising the Annual Forum

Image by EUSBSR