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FLINTA* Games meetup

Gamecity Hamburg is inviting all FLINTA* (Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Non-binary, Trans and Agender) people of the games industry to join the first FLINTA* Games meetup in the form of a picnic on 3 August.

The aim of the event is to bring the people of the industry together to get to know and support each other. The organisers extend a warm welcome to anyone who identifies with the FLINTA* label and has an interest in the industry, regardless of position - from students and apprentices to CEOs. The picnic will start at 6.30 PM on the greenery behind Stockmeyerstraße 41 (in Hamburg) or inside.

Find more information and register here.

Gamecity Hamburg’s aim is to improve the general conditions for companies and founders of the games value chain in the city, to support them in their further development and to anchor Hamburg in the public perception as one of the leading games hubs in Europe. GH offers programs, events, and services in close cooperation with the games industry to strengthen local developers as well as promotes the exchange of knowledge within the sector and with other industries.