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Interreg BSR: Project Platforms Call | 21 October / 09 December 2024

Interreg Baltic Sea Region (BSR) has launched its first call for Project Platform applications aiming to enable partners to consolidate the outcomes of Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects and integrate them with results from other funding programmes, thereby boosting knowledge transfer and influencing policy development.

Interreg BSR has allocated EUR 1.2 million to this endeavour to allow for more effective tackling of territorial challenges and policy improvements. Project platforms are set up as projects, with partners, a work plan, and a budget. They align with one of the Programme's thematic objectives: 1.1 Resilient economies and communities, 1.2 Responsive public services, 2.1 Sustainable waters, 2.2 Blue economy, 3.1 Circular economy, 3.2 Energy transition, or 3.3 Smart green mobility. At least three organisations from three IBSR programme area countries that are partners in the IBSR programme and in projects funded through other EU funding should collaborate to develop a Project Platform.

For inspiration, finalised project platforms and ongoing projects in the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme can be explored in the project library

Ideas for Project Platforms are to be consulted on with the MA/JS, as well as attending the development workshop for project platforms on 26 September 2024 in Riga, Latvia is advised with the event's registration opening soon.

Are you proud of your project's solutions and want to collaborate with partners from other projects and programmes? Explore the call documents available in the 'Gateway for applicants'  here and contact platform[at] with any further questions regarding an application.

Deadlines: Submission of Project Platfrom Idea Forms (PIF) - 21 October 2024,
Submission of applications - 09 December 2024

Decorative element: Stones and pebbles balanced in towers near the water at a beach

Picture by Tyler Milligan on Unsplash