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MitMission is a collaborative gathering for practitioners that brings together engaged people and practitioners from civil society, arts, culture, social innovation, and the public sector together around one thematic focus. This year's event will take place in Lindow (Mark), Germany from 16 to 19 October.

The participants will discuss challenges and potentials in the field, as well as celebrate and support the co-creation of new project ideas. This year’s theme is working in peripheries.

The core of MitMission is the collegial exchange, which will be framed in an Open Space-like format. The organisers invite everyone to participate actively and to share good and/or bad examples from practice, discuss challenges, and exchange issues that the civil society actors encounter when working in the peripheries. Marta Dagargulia and Maria Tymoshchuk will make the facilitators' duet during MitMission taking care of the Open Space. Maria Dagargulia is a former journalist who worked in media for seven years. After that, she began to delve into critical thinking and non-formal education. Marta Gawinek-Dagargulia is a born cosmopolitan and lover of diversity, an educator and facilitator for 15 years, with very thorough experience in online facilitation.

Registration is possible until 15 August 2023.