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Open Call CBSS PSF

The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) through its Project Support Facility invites all eligible actors in the Baltic Sea Region to apply for grants for the implementation of small-scale, community based or profession/expert-based projects.

One of the three open calls is the CBSS Long-Term Priority “Sustainable & Prosperous Region”. CBSS  is looking for project proposals that focus on “Green Entrepreneurship”. Projects should aim at helping and encouraging people, especially young people, to start up their own “green” and innovative business. Peer learning and good practice exchange across the BSR will be an asset of the proposed actions. Additionally, project proposals that are directed at reducing waste and the promotion of more sustainable consumption are welcome. This might include the promotion of reuse and repair, selection of more environmentally friendly products, how to reduce waste of food, water and energy in households and in the society at large, and counteracting unnecessary (over-) consumption which negatively affect the environment and peoples’ health.

CBSS Long-Term Priority “Safe & Secure Region” is looking for project proposals that are directed at increasing the level of health protection among the population, by promoting information about public access to free vaccines, and by counteracting vaccine hesitancy based on misinformation, misconception or the lack of relevant scientifically based information about benefits and risks and by disseminating knowledge-based & reliable information about vaccines.  

And CBSS Long-Term Priority “Regional Identity” is looking for project proposals that present innovative and inclusive ideasconcerning youth participation in shaping and preserving regional identities on a local level with a broad impact. The organisers welcome project proposals that are directed at enhancing pride, gender equality and recognition of common heritage and identity, of regional and international cooperation and counteracting attitudes where especially children and young adults are drawn into an isolationist or chauvinist mood, or into criminal activities.

All submitted project ideas shall emphasise the development of sustainable processes and networks aimed at taking forward the ideas in the Vilnius II Declaration – A Vision for the Baltic Sea Region by 2030 and relevant parts of the Baltic Sea Region Youth Vision Statement beyond 2030. The projects must involve partners from at least three CBSS Member States including a lead partner. 

The PSF application form is open until 31 March 2022. More information can be found here.

The Vilnius II Declaration was adopted on 1 June 2021 by the Foreign Ministers and high-level representatives of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the European Union. The Declaration builds on the three Long Term Priorities of the CBSS and is underpinned by the CBSS Action Plan 2021-25. CBSS members commit themselves to increased cooperation and development of the BSR, practically within all areas of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.