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Open Call Genesis of an Artistic Fact

"Genesis of an Artistic Fact" is an open call by TRAFO Jena for an artist residency. In the open call five artists will be brought together to open the artistic process for scientists and the scientific knowledge for artists. Therefore, the five artists can create art that can serve as a starting point for a social discourse.

The residency will take place in the last two weeks of July (19 July - 1 August 2021) and in the last two weeks of September (20 September - 3 October 2021). During the residency, the artists will work at the TRAFO in Jena, Germany. The joint exhibition will take place there as well. From the start of the residency to the exhibition, the transdisciplinary dialogue will be documented through text, film and photos.

Each selected applicant will be granted free accommodation and meals in Jena as well as a fee of 1000 €. All artists who deal with the methods of artistic research are welcome to apply until 13 June 2021. More information can be found here.

The TRAFO is a new innovation laboratory for contemporary art forms and media in Jena (known as the city of light due to its historical importance in optics). In keeping with the historical and contemporary research focus in the city, the project takes photonics and optics as core themes. Supported by cooperation commitments from the Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technologies (IPHT) and the German Optical Museum Jena (D.O.M.), the focus is on optical technologies and their application in diagnostic processes and the life sciences.