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IMPLANTIEREN 2022/23: RELATIONSHIP opens in September 2022 with a kick-off event and ends in February 2023 with a joint closing event. The initiators of the practices are invited to participate collectively in the design process of the festival.

IMPLANTIEREN  2022/23 RELATIONSHIP MODEScalls on artists, activists, researchers and practitioners of various activities to propose practices that they consider important and worth sharing and that they want to initiate over a period from September 2022 to February 2023. 'Practices' is broadly defined: It can be activism, reflection, self-help, artistic or body practices, celebrations, subculture and much more. However, they should be shared by a group and exercised over a longer period of time.

A one-page sketch has to be sent in, as well as a very rough budget stating the number of initiators of the respective practice. Questions to answer in the sketch coul be: Why is this practice of particular aesthetic or political importance or otherwise so important to  you? Which target group (s) is the project aimed at? How are participants approached and what degree of publicity or unity is desired? How is the group organized? Are funds distributed among participants, and if so, how? At what rhythm is the group likely to meet?

Send your applications to by 1 December 2021. 

More information can be found here.