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Open Call In Process

The IN PROCESS - Text residency revolves about the question how to expand, experiment with and investigate what a performance text can be in the year 2022. Performing artists and choreographers are welcome to apply.

Other questions that will be addressed during the residency include: Are there other ways to work with and give life to text in the performance space? Are there other types of textures or languages we want to explore and express? For example, how could we use text not created for the stage as performative material? What is the relationship between the body and the text? And how will other languages become visible in a Danish context? What happens if we ask the very basic question of what text is in a performance space and how the meeting between text, performer and audience takes place?

The organisers invite artists interested in investigating the potential of text in a black box space to apply for this residency, where text is the object of investigation and not necessarily a psychological state. IN PROCESS – Text is for performing artists and choreographers who are in the beginning phase of developing an artistic project; who want to test an artistic idea or collaboration; and who are in need of black box facilities.

“IN PROCESS – Text” is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation,Bikuben Foundation and the Municipality of Copenhagen. Deadline for submitting applicatons is 16 September. More information about the Open Call can be found here.

Teater FÅR302 is located in an old two-room apartment in Nyhavn in Copenhagen. The small stage space with room for 47 audience members provides a unique, concentrated and exclusive experience. HAUT is a performing arts organisation supporting development projects and experiments. Through open calls, HAUT offers the residency programme IN PROCESS to self-producing performing artists and choreographers.