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Open Call on Analog Photography

The Nordic Analog Network supported by the Nordic Culture Point are offering ten residencies of approximately three weeks each for photographers and artists from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The eligible creatives' work should be focused on methods of analog photography.

Darkrooms from across the Nordic countries participating in the programme by the Nordic Analog Network and the Nordic Culture Point chose the applicants they want to join them for approximately three weeks of residency. Accommodation will be organized by the inviting darkroom, and the invited artists will receive an artist's fee of 900€ to cover the travel and living expenses. During their stay the artists are free to work with whatever project they want, alongside other photographers using the darkroom.
The invited photographers are encouraged to give some form of presentation of their work at the darkroom they are visiting and may get help to organize other activities such as workshops, small shows, artist talks, meetups with other artists or galleries and the like. The goal is to share experience and create contacts and opportunities for networking between analog photo artists.

Want to expand your network? Further information about the programme and the application process is found here.

Deadline: 15 December 2023

(c) Nordic Analog Network