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Open Call Pink Pavilion

Blaagaard Teater is organising the international reading festival Pink Pavilion in May 2023 in collaboration with the development platform for new writing. The organisers are looking for playwrights and dramatic texts from Finland, France and Germany, or playwrights related to the countries.

Pink Pavilion is a festival where both Danish and international theatre artists can come together around new dramatic writing that give more angles on a shared, global world. The festival will be held at Blaagaard Teater in Copenhagen and at Teater Katapult in Aarhus between 11 and 13 May 2023. The topic of the edition is POWER, in all its forms; political, personal, human and social.

The works within the applicatons with must be connected in some way to the topic - it can be both in a literal sense or a loose association. The works also must have been performed previously or be in its completed form. The applications can be submitted native language, but the organisers prefer applications in English. The Open Call deadline is 10 January. Find more information here.