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Symposium Saving Hope

The two-day symposium "Saving Hope Theatrical Artivism in Spaces of Conflict" will focus on the question of how to act in a reality where borders and human rights are violated in collaboration with the Theatre in Conflict Zones Network of the International Theatre Institute of UNESCO.

The event will offer the participants an unique opportunity to exchange ideas and learn about the perspectives of artists from different parts of the world who, using theatrical and performative tools, work with people with refugee experience, ethnic groups whose rights are violated, women experiencing patriarchal violence and the most vulnerable victims of crimes against humanity – children, war-affected communities and minorities.

The presentations of the invited guests will not be divided thematically in order to avoid artificial boundaries between individual ideas. Topics such as the saving power of theatre, giving voice to and broadening the field of visibility of individuals and groups who have been deprived of their right to a safe life as well as work ethic, including creative processes and relationship building will be discussed during the symposium. Different methodologies, modes of theatrical and artistic work, as well as different strategies of political and ethical causation will be considered. The symposium will also showcase artistic projects by invited guest – practitioners working in conflict-prone zones from Europe, Asia and Africa.

Saving Hope takes place on 17–18 June in a hybrid format at the Grotowski Institute and online. Find more information here.