The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region is accompanied and implemented through an Action Plan, which outlines the work and activities for each Policy Area. This document is regularly updated to ensure the activities remain relevant to the most topical issues and opportunities in the Baltic Sea Region and welcoming input from the respective stakeholders.
Shape the future of the Baltic Sea Region by taking part in the current revision of the EUSBSR Action Plan, making it stronger and more effective through your input. The Policy Area Culture is one of 14 Policy Areas within the EUSBSR, the EU's Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and is asking for your contribution:
If you are a culture stakeholder in the Baltic Sea Region, this is your opportunity to share your thoughts and priorities with PA Culture. Your feedback will help guide the Policy Area’s work for the 2024–2025 update, addressing the region’s most pressing cultural challenges and opportunities.
The updated Action Plan is set to take effect in 2026. More information on the ongoing process is found here.
Take a moment to complete the survey and play a key role in shaping impactful cultural cooperation.
Share your insights here: Survey Form
Thank you for contributing to this important process!