Click on the respective button and find your way to further information about film, literature, music, visual arts and performing arts in Finland! "Cross-sectoral" contains general information about projects, programmes and institutions that are dedicated to different fields of arts and culture.
- Association of Finnish Printmakers | website
- Books from Finland: A Literary Journal | website
- Celia (specialist library) | website
- FILI – Finnish Literature Exchange | website
- Finnish Translation Database | website
- FSF – Society of Swedish Authors in Finland (in Finnish) | website
- KOPIOSTO – Copyright society | website
- Lukukeskus – The Finnish Reading Centre | website
- SKS – Finnish Literature Society | website
- The Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (mostly in Finnish) | website
- The Union of Finnish Writers | website
- Annantalo Arts Centre | website
- Association of Finnish Sculptors (in Finnish) | website
- AVEK – The Promotion Centre for Audiovisual Culture | website
- Backlight Photo Festival/ Photographic Centre Nykyaika | website
- Database on Finnish Museums | website
- Design Forum Finland | website
- Finnish Art Info | website
- Finnfoto ry | website
- Finnish Museums Association | website
- Finnish National Gallery | website
- Finnish Painter's Union | website
- FRAME – Finnish Fund for Art Exchange (in Finnish) | website
- HIPPOLYTE: Photographic Gallery | website
- Kanneltalo Cultural Centre | website
- KIASMA – Museum for Contemporary Art | website
- Kotka Photographic Centre | website
- Photographic Centre Peri (in Finnish) | website
- The Centre for Creative Photography | website
- The Northern Photographic Centre | website
- VB Photographic Centre | website
- Arts Promotion Centre Finland | website
- Association for Finnish Cultural Centres and Concert Halls (in Finnish) | website
- Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities | website
- Central Baltic INTERREG VI A Programme 2021-2027 | website
- CIMO – Centre for International Mobility (in Finnish) | website
- City of Helsinki: Cultural Office | website
- CUPORE – The Finnish Foundation for Cultural Policy Research | website
- Finland Festivals | website
- Finnish Heritage Agency | website
- Helsinki International Artist Programme (HIAP) | website
- Ministry of Education and Culture | website
- The Cable Factory | website
- Trans European Halls: A European Network of Independent Cultural Centres | website
- Turku 2011 – European Capital of Culture | website
- Turku Cultural Centre | website
- Union of Finnish Art Associations | website