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Click on the respective button and find your way to further information about film, literature, music, visual arts and performing arts in Germany! "Cross-sectional" contains general information about projects, programmes and institutions that are dedicated to different fields of arts and culture.

  • Berlin International Short Film Festival | website
  • Die Bildversorger (in German) | website
  • DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut und Filmmuseum / German Film Institute and Film Museum | website
  • Filmfest Schleswig-Holstein (in German) | website
  • Film Office MV (in German) | website
  • Flensburger Kurzfilmtage / Short Film Days Flensburg (in German) | website
  • Green Screen – internationales Naturfilmfestival / International Nature Film Festival | website
  • Husumer Filmtage | website
  • KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg / ShortFilmAgency Hamburg | website
  • Landesverband Jugend und Film Schleswig-Holstein / Regional Association for Youth and Film (in German) | website
  • Medienanstalt Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein | website
  • Medienzentrum Dresden (in German) | website
  • MOIN Film Fund Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein | website
  • Nordic Filmdays Lübeck | website
  • SPIO Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft / association of the German film industry | website
  • Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film | website
  • VDFE – Verband deutscher Filmexporteure / association of German film exports | website
  • Verband der Filmverleiher / association on film distribution (in German) | website
  • Buddenbrookhaus (mostly in German) | website
  • Deutsche Literaturgesellschaft / German Literature Society (in German) | website
  • Deutscher Literaturfonds e.V. (in German) | website
  • DIALOG – German-Polish Magazine (in German) | website
  • Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium Straelen / International Centre for translators | website
  • European Festival of the First Novel | website
  • Frankfurt Book Fair | website
  • Günter-Grass-Haus | website
  • Harbour Front Literature Festival Hamburg (in German) | website
  • International Literature Festival Berlin | website
  • International Literature Festival lit.COLOGNE | website
  • LCB – Literarisches Colloquium Berlin (in German) | website
  • Leipzig Book Fair | website
  • (in German) | website
  • Literaturhaus Schleswig-Holstein | website
  • Literaturwerkstatt Berlin | website
  • – German Literature Online | website
  • Theodor-Storm-Haus | website
  • VdÜ – Association of German speaking translators (in German) | website
  • VS – Verband deutscher Schriftsteller in ver.di (in German) | website
  • albakultur | website
  • Arbeitskreis Musik in der Jugend / working group on youtth and music (in German) | website
  • Bebersee Festival (mostly in German) | website
  • Blues Baltica | website
  • Brahms-Festival | website
  • Chiffren – Musik neu entdecken / Re-experincing Music (in German) | website
  • European Music Festival Europamusicale (in German) | website
  • folkBALTICA | website
  • German Music Information Centre | website
  • iam – International working group on music (in German) | website
  • International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation, Germany (in German) | website
  • Jazz Baltica | website
  • Jeunesses Musicales Germany | website
  • Kunst am Kai / Art at the Dock | website
  • LAG Jugendmusik in Schleswig-Holstein / LAG Youthmusic (in German) | website
  • Landesmusikrat Schleswig-Holstein / Regional Music Council (in German) | website
  • Musikverband Schleswig-Holstein / Association for Music (in German) | website
  • Music Council Germany | website
  • Musikschulen Schleswig-Holstein / Music Schools (in German) | website
  • NORDLICHTER Biennale for Nordic Music and Arts | website
  • Raritäten der Klaviermusik / Rarities of Piano Music | website
  • Sängerbund Schleswig-Holstein / Association of Singers | website
  • Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival | website
  • Verband deutscher Musikschulen / association of German music schools (in German) | website
  • Wacken Open Air | website
  • Artists' Houses in Germany | website
  • BBK – Federal Association of Artists of the Fine Arts (in German) | website
  • BBK Schleswig-Holstein (in German) | website
  • IGBK – International Association for Visual Arts | website
  • Kunstflecken Neumünster (in German) | website
  • Kunstgriff Dithmarschen | website
  • Kunsthalle zu Kiel | website
  • Kunstwerke Berlin e.V. / KW Institute for Contemporary Art | website
  • Muthesius Kunsthochshule / Muthesius University of Art | website
  • Museen Nord | website
  • Museumsverband Schleswig-Holstein Hamburg / Association of Museums (in German) | website
  • NordArt | website
  • Oyoun – Kultur NeuDenken – Rethinking Culture | website
  • PROGRAM – Initiative for Art and Architecture Collaborations | website
  • uqbar (offers multifunctional product space on the field of visual arts) | website
  • artscenico (in German) | website
  • BAG Spiel & Theater e.V. / Federal Association of Drama & Theatre | website
  • Deutscher Bühnenverein / German Theatre and Orchestra Association | website
  • E-Werk Weimar (in German) | website
  • Eutiner Festspiele (in German) | website
  • Figurentheater-Tage Kappeln / Figure Theatre Days Kappeln
  • Flinnworks | website
  • Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. | website
  • GTF Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung / association of dance research | website
  • IDS – Interessenverband dt. Schauspieler / German actors' association (in German) | website
  • KABAWIL e.V. (in German) | website
  • Children's and Young People's Theatre Centre | website
  • Pole Poppenspäler Tage (in Gerfan) | website
  • Preetzer Papiertheatertreffen | website
  • Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater / Schleswig-Holstein Regional Theater (in German) | website
  • SOS – International Festival of Performing Arts and Media Ludwigsburg (in German) | website
  • Theater Itzehoe (in German) | website
  • Theater Kiel (in German) | website
  • Theater Lübeck (in German) | website
  • UNIMA – Union Internationale de la Marionnette – Zentrum BRD (in German) | website
  • ALLIANZ Kulturstiftung / ALLIANZ Cultural fund | website
  • Baltic Sea School Berlin / Ostsee-Kolleg Berlin | website
  • Center for Intercultural Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz | website
  • DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service | website
  • Deutsches Kulturforum östliches Europa (information on Eastern Europe) | website
  • Deutsches Polen Institut / Poland Institute in Germany (in German and Polish) | website
  • Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft / German-Polish Association (in German) | website
  • Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk / German-Polish Youth Association | website
  • DKI – Deutsche Kultur International (information on culture in and from Germany) | website
  • Felleshus – Nordic Embassies in Berlin | website
  • GlogauAIR – Artists in Residence Programme | website
  • Goethe-Institut | website
  • ha'atelier – platform for philosophy and art | website
  • IFA – German Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations | website
  • INTERREG VI A Deutschland-Danmark 2021-2027 | website
  • Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V. / Association for Cultural Policy (in German) | website
  • Kulturportal Deutschland (in German) | website
  • Kulturstiftung des Bundes – German Federal Cultural Foundation | website
  • Ministerium für Kultur Schleswig-Holstein / Ministry for Culture | website
  • Robert Bosch Stiftung / Foundation Robert Bosch | website
  • Stiftung für deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit (German-Polish Cooperation) | website