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Click on the respective button and find your way to further information about film, literature, music, visual arts and performing arts in Poland! "Cross-sectional" contains general information about projects, programmes and institutions that are dedicated to different fields of arts and culture.

  • Andrzej Wajda Master School of Film Directing (in Polish) | website
  • Association of Polish Filmmakers (in Polish) | website
  • Filmoteka Narodowa Warsaw – National Film Archive | website
  • Media Desk Poland (in Polish) | website
  • Polish Film Institute | website
  • Warsaw Film Festival | website
  • National Digital Library of Poland | website
  • National Library of Poland | website
  • Polish Literature (listing Polish authors and English translations of Polish literature) | website
  • Polish Writers' Association (in Polish) | website
  • The Book Institute | website
  • Academy of Music in Krakow | website
  • Polish Music Centre | website
  • Polish Music Information Centre | website
  • PSeME – Polish Society for Electroacoustic Music (in Polish) | website
  • The Fryderyk Chopin Society | website
  • Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle | website
  • Centre of Polish Sculpture | website
  • Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art (in Polish) | website
  • Magazyn Sztuki /Encyklopedia malarstwa – Art Magazine/ Blog (in Polish) | website
  • Wyspa Institute of Art (mostly in Polish) | website
  • Amareya Theatre – physical theatre of movement and body | website
  • Arlekin Puppet Theatre (in Polish) | website
  • dancedesk (in Polish) | website
  • FETA – International Street and Open-Air Theatres Festival (in Polish) | website
  • Information on Polish Theatre (in Polish) | website
  • Kontakt – International Theatre Festival | website
  • Maltafestival Poznań | website
  • The International Festival of Puppetry Art Bielsko-Biala (in Polish) | website
  • Adam Mickiewicz Institute | website
  • Borderland Centre | website
  • Creative Europe Desk | website
  • International Cultural Centre | website
  • Małopolski Instytut Kultury | website
  • Official Portal of Polish Culture | website
  • Stefan Batory Foundation | website
  • The Association of the Creative Initiatives "ę" | website
  • The Baltic Cultural Centre Gdańsk | website
  • The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (in Polish) | website
  • Villa Decius Association | website