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Open Call BBA Artist Prize

The Berlin Blue Art (BBA) Gallery announced its fifth annual BBA Artist Prize. Until 15 March all kind of artists from all over the world can submit their work to be considered for the prize. The winn…

Open Call Big Pulse

Big Pulse Dance Alliance is a 4-year partnership of 12 European dance festivals and institutions united by their passion to broaden the reach of the contemporary dance sector. The organisers are looki…

Pina Bausch Fellowship

The organisers of Pina Bausch Fellowship for Dance and Choreography and the Arts Foundation of North-Rhine-Westphalia are looking for virtual cooperation for the Pina Bausch Fellowship for Dance and C…

Open Call Program of 2023 ELEVSIS

In 2023, the city of Elevsis will host the title of the European Capital of Culture, presenting a program entitled “MYSTERIES of TRANSITION”. The organisers are looking for projects or actions that wi…

Open Call REAL-IN

The project REAL-IN and arts festival VRHAM! present a one week residency in Marseille for creators and artists working in the field of Interactive Arts who want to develop a project by exploring the …

NordArt Digital Exhibition

The "NordArt" exhibition that takes place annually in Büdelsdorf, Northern Germany has gone a digital way to present 5 Digital Guided Tours with works by international artists such as Viktor Frešo, Ka…

Open Call Literary Translation

The consortium of translation residencies "Translation in Motion" is offering Literary Translation Residencies. Translators working from or into the languages of the Western Balkan countries are welco…

Open Call TANZAHOi Dance Festival

The TANZAHOi International Dance and Dance Film Festival is bringing international dance productions to the German city of Hamburg. This year’s edition called "Take Part in Another World" is going to …

Digital Art Exhibition An Imeprfect Map

Artists of Muthesius University for Fine Arts and Design in Kiel investigated forms of territoriality as well as questions relating to landscapes and their calculability, configuration and control for…

Open Call COAL 2021 PRIZE

The COAL Prize 2021, dedicated to the crucial issue of forests at center of the climate crisis and ecological transition, invites artists from all over the world to mobilize themselves to get involved…

Open Call Residencies for Beyond Matter

The project Beyond Matter is inviting European artists to apply until 30 April 2021 for one of three production residencies taking place in Karlsruhe, Tallinn and Tirana between 1 September to 31 Octo…

Open Call Driving the Human

Driving the Human invites designers, artists, scientists, initiatives, and agents to join in shaping sustainable and collective futures that combine science, technology, and the arts in a transdiscipl…